Monday, January 16, 2012

Loney's Letter

Dear little creature they call "Mazie",
Since the first day that mommy and daddy brought you home, I was a little skeptical about you.
Mommy and daddy tend to your every need.
I've noticed that they feed you about 5 to 6 times a day. That's not fair! I only get fed twice.
They play with you alllllll the time. I remember those days.....
I really did not want to mention our toy bins. But look at yours compared to mine:

I know you really like me because you watch me all the time and smile. But right now, I feel like you need to earn your spot like I did.
I had to learn to sit, let mommy and daddy know when I had to go to the bathroom and army crawl.
You just go to the bathroom whenever you please, you can't even sit up and you definitely can't do the army crawl...yet.
Mommy and Daddy tell me that you and I will be best friends. I think that's interesting.
I do have to admit, you are a cutie pie.
But I need you to go through an initiation in order for me to accept you.
I would like you to do the following:
* Poop in your diaper at least once a day
* Roll over (Mommy and Daddy keep cheering for you to do this)
If you can do these 2 things, you have passed Phase 1 of the initiation.


p.s. I know I gave you a kiss the other day, but don't get to excited, you had left over milk on that cheek of yours! I could not pass that up.

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe. Poor Loney. You really will be her best friend soon and you will wonder why it took her so long to grow up and be fun enough to play with you all day long!! :)
    Hang in there Loney.


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