Monday, December 19, 2011

3 Months Old Today!

Mazie swinging and smiling at her sheep friends

Sleeping in her crib for the 1st time

Talitha and Mazie

Mazie being a stinker

We tried propping a blanket underneath her belly to help push the gas out easier.
She just fell right to sleep.

She is so fun.

Mazie showing off her chunk that she has put on in the past month.
She's so happy.
She makes us happy!

2 months have come and gone.
You are now 3 months as of today.
You are growing so fast!

During your 2 months:
* You are still on a feeding schedule and eat about 27 oz of formula a day.
* You are sleeping through the night, but you have some restless nights too.
* You drool a lot more, is a tooth going to show up soon?
* You like to take a nap about 30 minutes after each feeding.
* You had your 1st Thanksgiving with Family and Friends
* Mommy started back to work on December 1st.
* You grabbed your binky and put it in your mouth all by yourself!
* Rolled from front to back with help from Daddy.
* You like to lay on your belly. It calms you down.
* Started sleeping the crib. No more bassinet.
* Talks a lot!
* Loves playing with your hanging toys.
* Enjoys singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes with Mommy and Daddy.
* Likes swinging in your swing.
* Notices mommy and daddy's voices and faces.
* Cries after awhile when being held by other people.
* Sabra started babysitting you on December 9th.
* When you are around kids, you love to watch them run around and play.
* Talitha and Tristan said that they love you and love holding you!
* Smiles when you see yourself in the mirror.
* You still love your baths and love being naked.
We are so excited for your 3 month adventure.
You will be taking your first road trip!

Mommy and Daddy love you Mazie!



  1. How is she already 3 months old? So nuts! I love the picture where she is propped up to push out gas. She's like, "Whatev! I'll just fall asleep". So funny!

  2. haha! i know, i guess the position was way to comfy. haha!!


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