Thursday, July 14, 2011

Who will Mazie resemble?

Jeremy and I constantly dream and talk about what Mazie will look like. Its so funny to try to think who her little face will resemble.

*Will she have my eyes
* Will she have Jeremy's nose
*Will she have my stubbornness
*Will she have Jeremy's smarts
*Will she have both of our art/craft passion

We just hope she loves us as much as we love her.
It's hard to picture. We can't wait to meet her and see her little face.
Here are some photo's of Jeremy and I when we were younger.
We can't wait to see her resemblance towards both of us.

In other news, I finally filled out my paperwork last for Maternity Leave. It was so exciting to know that the time is coming. So far if everything falls in to place, my last day of work will be August 12th. I will be returning after my bonding with Mazie, hopefully around November or even December. Not sure yet. But I know it will be the hardest thing to leave her. Not really looking forward to it, especially right now, her and I spend 24/7 with each other and I know I can't see her or hold her in my arms but we are together and share every moment with each other right now. So it will definitely be hard to go back with no baby constantly kicking, moving and begging for me to feed her every 2 minutes.


  1. stinking cute were you as a little kid! My guess is she will resemble you with beautiful curly locks:)


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