Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I had no idea....

Since having Mazie, we have learned so much!
When thinking of having a baby from a girls perspective, you think it would be like playing with a baby doll.
I was never a fan of baby dolls when I was a kid.
I loved stuffed animals and dollhouses.
So before having Mazie, I thought to myself, "how hard can this be, when she cries, you feed her or change her, that's it".
I had no idea babies could be constipated, constantly hungry and despises her hiccups.
It makes my heart hurt when she rubs her belly and screams.
She is to precious to cry and be upset.
I feel so bad sometimes.
I have been reading this book called Baby Wise.
We've heard such great things about this book helping to put her on a feeding schedule and sleep schedule.
I started Mazie on a feeding schedule yesterday.
We are feeding her every 3 hours, 4 oz each. So she is drinking 24 oz a day.
She usually screams her head off an hour before her next feeding.
She is so used to getting it whenever she wanted.
But we have to put her on a schedule so it's easier on us, her babysitter and her tummy.
I really think the reason why she became colicky is because her feedings were so irregular.
Our goal is to have her sleeping the whole night and used to her feeding schedule by Christmas.
Wish us luck!


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