Friday, May 6, 2011

The Joy's of Leg Cramps & Body Pillows

Jeremy and I took Loney to the vet on Monday to get his yearly checkup and shots. We were there for about an hour and a half. There was a lady next to us who had a chocolate lab puppy only 8 weeks old that she had to put to sleep because he had issues with his esophagus and digestion and the vet said they could do nothing about it and eventually the puppy would pass away due to not keeping his food down. It was really sad. It made me look at Loney and appreciate him even more and the love I have for him.
We were finally taken into the exam room for the vet to do Loney's yearly check up. We have never met her before, she came in like a wild woman. She was CRAZY! She kept telling us that if we do this and that with Loney, he will die! WHAT! Jeremy and I sat there trying to not laugh at this lady. She was really nice but not very positive. We've had Loney since he was about 2 months old. I think we know our dog. She acted like we were new pet owners or something. You can tell by the speech she was giving to us, she tells all pets owners this, but it was not very helpful. She was just installing fear into pet owners. Not a good thing. She told us to not let him swim in water during the winter or he would get pneumonia and die, DUH! This lady was a little to much. Jeremy and I got in the car and just laughed. Jeremy told me if she was a doctor for humans, she wouldn't be recommended. I agree.
Anyways, I have been working hard on my baby shower invites and can't wait to get them done and mailed out! Here is a little peek:
I hope to be done with these by this weekend and mailed out by Monday.
So all my baby books and magazines that I have been reading have talked about sleeping only on your side for good blood flow and comfort ability. I really don't like sleeping on my side because it's not a sleeping position I am very much used too. I love sleeping on my belly, but once your uterus and insides are up to your belly button, it is not comfortable. So Jeremy and I went to good old Walmart and bought a gigantic body pillow for me. I finally used it last night and it was actually very comfortable. But it's so large, it's like we have 3 people sleeping in our bed. I feel bad for Jeremy. So the other night while sleeping very peacefully and comfortably I woke up in pain from a leg cramp. It hurt so bad. I kept moving my leg back and forth trying to stretch the leg out to get rid of the cramp and trying to do this quietly without waking Jeremy was very hard. I finally got rid of the cramp and fell back to sleep. My leg is still sore from the cramp. The joys of being pregnant. HA!

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